Novinky zo Slovenska odoslané do EBA (Newsletter č. 83)

Nižšie sa nachádza prezídiom schválený text odoslaný do EBA, aby bol zahrnutý v Newsletter č. 83. Plánovaný termín vydania je koncom septembra 2014.

Bonsai news from Slovakia

Slovak bonsai association (SBA) organized 12th national exhibition of bonsai and suiseki. It was held between 21th and 22th june 2014 in Small Carpathian Muzeum of viticulture in Pezinok, SK, within very unique exhibition area. 32 of our members participated and displayed 74 bonsai trees and 23 suiseki stones. Both trees and stones were displayed altogether with fine art – modern paintings of contemporary slovak authors.

Annual general meeting (AGM) of SBA members was held during the exhibition. One of the items on the agenda was a financial report for the period of May 2010 – May 2014 as this was the end of 4 year presidential term. Therefore, the main item were elections. Juraj Szabó was elected new president of SBA. He nominated and the members approved the following board members: Július Kolesár, Vladimír Kriško, Martin Krivošík, Ladislav Lenčucha and Rastislav Moravčík.

Five candidates took part in the New Talents Contest (NTC). The winner, Rastislav Moravčík, will represent Slovakia at the Europen Final in 2015, Vilnius in Lithuania.

You can see pictures of the trees and suiseki on SBA homepage:

There were many local shows, workshops and contest throughout the season, e.g.:

The 17-th International Bonsai, Suiseki and Tea Exhibition in Nitra

Cassovia Bonsai Cup and Studio with Pavel Slovak

Bonsai camp Martin-Trusalová

Bonsai Piknik in Banská Bystrica

Suiseki – three stones „“&HYPERLINK „“t=1139#p10458

All these big major and local shows attract much public interest.