Pozvánka španielskych bonsajistov

Španielski bonsajisti nám poslali pozvánku na výstavu a súťaž profesionálov i amatérov Bonsai Paterna Contest, ktorá sa bude konať 16.-17. mája v Španielsku.

Popri výstave a súťaži budú na tomto podujatí vystupovať aj Kevin Wilson, Gabriel Romero a Germán Gómez. Workshop s Kevinom Wilsnom je na programe v sobotu 16. mája.

Doplnkom výstavy bude predajný market a ďalší zaujímavý program.

Viac informácií nájdete na www.bonsaipaterna.es , alebo môžete využiť aj ich mail to info@bonsaipaterna.es.

S pozdravom Vladimír Ondejčík

Správa v pôvodnom znení:
Announcement of the 2nd Edition of the Bonsai Paterna Contest, open to
both amateurs and professionals, which will take place in this Spanish
locality on the 16th and 17th of May, 2009.
For this edition, besides the exhibition and contest, we will have the
presence as demonstrators of Kevin Wilson, Gabriel Romero y Germán Gómez.
Kevin Wilson will direct, in addition, a workshop on Saturday, the 16th of
The activities will be completed by a street market that will work both
days, and with a dinner of brotherhood that will take place on Saturday,
the 16th night, in that the awards of the contest will be delivered.
Profitable conditions of housing have been managed also by local hotels,
in order to make to you the stay easier, if you want to share this weekend
with us.
Attached information of the event with this mail.
You can obtain more information in our web www.bonsaipaterna.es, or
request route mail to info@bonsaipaterna.es

We would be grateful for the diffusion of the present mail among the
associations of your country.